Sunday, September 20, 2015

Why does everyone want to HE?

Everyone also want to be Lokthom just what want to do that at any level only. For example: the presidency, Prime Minister, Minister of the Ministry of provincial governor, .. for the Khmer Is there a benefit to the greatest lead role that much? and some place they sit and do not want to step down in trench although aware that the age of retirement?

Culture wants to be a great power in Khmer is how to respect and carry status and since the role until noodles or karaoke massage is different from Western culture their habits at work, but once it is out of the office is usually equal.

How long will the great Khmer able to do so?

Khmer bit difficult initially to find the votes before the election is based AM These days at the end of the week, and sometimes took days to work to strengthen the party base sometimes cheats jobs to the state based gift pot to serve the party. Only when the respective roles and powers is policy and policy is exploitation of people a day to sleep meditating and looking to remain moderate as a development area and want people crying and crying to ground You are not, and do not even dare to touch it, and they want to do is power and profit that way. The question whether the land to be a major development areas as citizens poor little ones ? And have you grabbing more little ones.

Not only major Khmer privileges do not want to. For example: the use of gasoline Sokimex open to hundreds of used cars for gasoline These personal car to take the family or trekking to see more land and Bonjour gasoline piled like mountains . Due to the use of gasoline such waste is missing three empty prison and the detainees to the floor at the foot Wild 'courts. Talk about the cost of water and electricity, use some of the largest free-fire roasted 2 to 3, and bills to think where . The cable you collect money, said their boss told not to collect money at home or the house for the big house. A large number of big and its ordinary citizens If not to pay water and electricity to the place in due course, but is exclusive or fines.

In other words, in contemporary society, popular lawmaker families who have a family member as a teacher is able to feed a home. Now his wife complained, and because of the low salaries are the opposite of those big, not only to support a home, but also bring in family members to work with and have a more major role in the cabinet and the University's Department or City Hall, a meeting weighed before going to private or run because the minister is not to break things at once. For example: Hor Namhong 2 children Ambassador England and Japan and the other in a single meeting place weight. Prasidh as deputy director general of the General Department of Camcontrol and the other at the meeting place weight. Kep Illinois Governor did not take anything I take my children near . At least one child at the weight of gravity. These are popular and great grandchildren.

Doing so big you know all you want to do in this institution.

For towed family members do have a major role in the past in such ministries, Prime Minister Hun Sen had warned once already this popular family from the Ministry of only a few months later, turning a quiet calm, no measures . In addition, some lawmakers are preparing or making capital lock up power to protect and defend you. For example: the code of criminal law to punish defamation information and inciting false and written about leadership mandate as prime minister and Gen confused stories judicial legal battle with you is ready to sleep from malaria and to just lose less or more only. Do not play with enough cash Profiles contact.

Apparently the former powerful guilty and was called to court questioned a large number of those wearing wear ordinary civilian is in contrast to the typical offender whose clothing uniforms, detainees Mozambique stripes. But Living in prison also placed elsewhere, especially where clean bottom of gourmet food as well as a gym is wrong the usual stuff piled in 1 room. For example: Heng Pov prisoners and prisoners Moek Dara.

If there is an accident or major big baby has yet to be legal fellow telephone call, including the armed forces also a car with a small threat defense with big or this big family more. Just heard this perfectly traffic police officers working female shaking away and uncomfortable it was mouth . Just show your negative activities such short. Khmer culture like this will change?

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