Friday, September 25, 2015

Cambodia is a safe place pedophile?

Boys and girls, and some Khmer women today have lost the value and dignity because ever suffered and Facing such a big problem today, such as domestic violence, rape and sex trafficking while others were 3 to 4 links dismal. Children not only become the target of rape Children (Pedophiles), mainly through tourism and investment in the country.

Does this come from the Khmer too lax legal or just want your money and business visitors There is an awful lot of brands? You Leap shrine from those luxury off the poor, the same Khmer such as villas, condos luxury cars and other equipment while others gave gifts fool myself am a very generous.

Khmer Currently foreign investors only need a valid license is not waiting hundreds of years ago, these investors ever complain but if investors skydivers or cutting sword hose is a single license faster and is no respecter of any kind. Khmer tune case that investors mafia when police caught one, sometimes counting Hundreds of people also have some gambling at the casino all the money gone left buttocks pants brauch run home .

Most workers at a Khmer woman did not pay, and some criminals to police their own country According to prosecute domestic business investment Khmer is not only asylum Khmer even rape boys and girls more Khmer.

Practical example: the recent royal pardon for former criminals Alexandria de Trofimov who rape children at least 21 people and At this time, these children are facing HIV make civil society concerned about the safety of victims and families The victim also asked the interior ministry to withdraw the visa and expelled from Cambodia as well. Through a spokesman King's cabinet, said that this proposal is the government's amnesty, government spokesman says that is made for the benefit of national ethnic Russian billionaire has invested snake island of Sihanoukville voucher at only $ 300 million. So far, Alex Sanders Trofimov lost track and do not know where reality sure.

What matters is that the Russians also were Russian police and Interpol international police Paul (Interpol police) looking arrested as well, and at the Russian embassy had also asked the government to send Alexandria de Trofimov To be convicted of violating a number of Russian children. Cambodia did not give defendants Alexandria de Trofimov, Russia.

The question is: How can surrender Alexandria de Trofimov to Russia or not? If Russia canceled a debt of nearly 1,500 million owed from the Soviet Union era 80s helped? This possibility can If comparison at the end of 2009, the same time that China has cut $ 2 billion aid While Cambodia immediately sent refugees ethnic Uygur 20 that Chinese authorities are seeking the arrest Cambodian authorities and immigration laws passed since 1994, apply. Or from China currently has more intimacy with Russia, which has been taken away.

Does the release of child rape can make such a negative impact to the government's efforts to restrain prevent rape and sex trafficking, the United States government has watched list (Watching list) human trafficking in Cambodia No. 2? How does the release of the Russian billionaire to affect travel law enforcement in the country? According to Article 5, paragraph 2, of the rape of the law on aggravating circumstances of the crime, which passed In 2001, states that: '... For minor children under the age of 14 years, although there agree or disagree Child sex from you committed the crime, was sentenced to imprisonment from 15 to 20 years ... . Why are the Russians, who have been sentenced to 8 years in prison and more than 4 release If violations of Cambodian girls up to 21 people? But more than 20 years in prison only.

Constitutional law King he had the right to pardon and on behalf of the government, the guardians of the people and You take care of the welfare of children should not royal or proposed amnesty for foreigners who come to this kind of abuse of children . The Cambodian government should find a solution for investors and tourists who come to have sex with children and women to welfare and dignity of the people and their future. Especially Mrs. Bun Rany Hun Sen, who used to help promote women and children and for intervention against rape and sex trafficking.

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