Saturday, September 5, 2015

How do people live in society today is full of fear?

SongkomReaseNiyum was considered that people do not suffer much and try to make another pot through towel sarong. .. to citizens through the countryside. Just the regime is still Se Kingdom thread there is always popular for live regime to the existing set from birth and restrictions of expression and media who oppose the regime leader. (I'm guilty? 1962)

When the deposed monarchy group Republic, led by Marshall Lon Nol, claims to want to change feudal regime oppressed the people. Since the coup Khmer people living in the nervous fear of bombings by the American raid demonstrations and young soldiers.

Khmer Rouge soldiers were trained ideology against imperial America. They empower citizens have fears raw fear of killings like animals. When liberated from the Khmer Rouge regime to public The Cambodian People's Republic of hope that people no longer die, and built a new life. people sleep from fear Khmer Rouge rebel landmine soldiers and conscripts'. These fears sleep each day do not know on themselves or family members.

Elections 1993 UNTAC was completed and rest. Where do not like to think is to create minimum intervention on the other side of the Mekong River, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng province makes citizens . On 5-6 July 1997 fighting, which some called a 'coup in Phnom Penh packaging bags, but do not know how to run. Some are all car and motorcycle sales from warehouse was exhumed Shipping gone home while others deserted factories both bride and groom. The leaders of the 4th Assembly mandate besides fear from lack of food, bio mines and traffic AIDS mainly people nervous to go on?

1) fear losing land forest land: crying lawmaker protests demanding back their homes and land to be raped every side. Some were mistreated by authorities harassed almost every day Some are also willing to commit suicide rather than live because living without shelter because they had taken place. All politicians All words: patriotism and help people living people hungry died to votes from the poor people very little, but instead to power each day lying just to harm people under the label: Development Zone made people a lot of tears. Such development is helping people or making poor people poorer Woe to you? If people sleep do not know any home and its land .

2) fear of social insecurity: the daily local newspaper some murders happen every day Zhang and editor-in-chief without code of professional shaman justice no news to their newspapers were still selling showy efforts and competition brutal murder on the front page, despite criticism from readers again and again to put on the inside back page. To avoid malicious image on the front page abhorrence and make readers imagine next to the frightened eyes almost every day. these savages, also appears to be increasing criminal activities such as criminals to those images so and any show of insecurity in society every day people die because of this murder. Hao such today that live alone sleep, thought to wish to shine because fear fear is okay and no one to help immediately.

Sometimes only see the car number plates Police Forces or ordinary citizens were able to escape to avoid for fear of discomfort They ordered the bodyguards grabbed collar travelers hit the road. Although currently not dare dance dance ensembles at festivals and village ceremony feared gangster and cutting crude because they have a program that is causing social insecurity. Women and girls not afraid to walk alone or 2 people feared Tamil rape . Hard to trust another thing that was vile father dared along with daughter uncomfortable father raped daughter perfectly. do not know how to rape a child myself am not infected with HIV?

3) fear against corruption is not effective: the question of crowds sometimes wonder whether, if not corruption, why top officials from the head office to any money from base Gift strengthen party almost every weekend? Speaking of real wages, there are only 1 million riel or 2 million just fuel vehicles daily meals to feed a wife or husband, children almost do not want some concubine or to feed young girls! royal officials very little sleep worrying not know when their salaries were installed but do not know the actions of anti-corruption to the extent ?

4) fear unemployment and fear not noticeable install untouchable: young people who graduate Some undergraduate degree and MBA sleep do not know the job skills learned or not each year students from the university hundreds of thousands of jobs. The role Royal officials sometimes called key to drink and sing karaoke night he got to Delhi his wife and children at home and not to call for fear of not being unworthy. at the work place the state gradually take some stairs and dare not afraid of mouth, allegedly a member of the opposition Even reading the newspaper Post standard impartial also read how to hide your fear not perfectly.

The criticism against a new trade regime that is similar to the previous regime, it is normal For you always want power have criticized anti-government leaders. But opposition politicians have always claimed to be clean but tricky clean, but a small number procession to gambling at the casino do not know the money come from? and not to build a casino near National Assembly. And do not know how involved in taking bribes from Duke, or to silence in parliament no longer okay to mouth at each meeting? There are only 3 or 4 people oftentimes lonely endeavor, besides Cross penetrate. And some in the party wanted its publication in two. Some opposition arrogant words larger than its especially those who are most satisfied group of civil society organizations who have ever worked with.

Overall, the fear of a large number of people with his life until a regime of today. These fears a factor expected rise of the Khmer people only 61 years old most short in Southeast Asia compared with Thailand old can expect to live their lives to 70

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