Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Murder resulted from devastating posted on Facebook?

In fact, Facebook, founded want people in the world have the same relationship from person to person, in the sense Friendly to share information back and forth, and faster, as well as visit his brother who lived far away from each other Do not give away any body.

Another Facebook established to earn revenue from advertising is to say, if there are more users trade facebook page and inside pages.

Sometimes you use social network Facebook has a different purpose, is just playing with friends close and some of you want to have a lot of new friends added some posted their picture and family entertainment Some players create a team member who attended the same mind and have some idea as something created just Read news and chatted with some friends for a trading business or some political party set up to promoting its policies or to drop authoritarian leader as well as in Tunisia and Egypt, etc. ..

However, Facebook is still a concern about the terrible impact on some players and impact to face society, which can cause social insecurity.

Example: You play some Facebook quarrel broke festival broke invigorating Facebook and use rude words, others threatened Some threat goes beating outside Facebook. These divisions buddy with each other Due to the deep understanding not make you use Facebook wrong direction.

Some people also use Facebook just put their sexy unleashed just the body but sometimes not a true picture of the account owner digit is not his real name, just Founded posted images or video clips from traditional pornography. Some journalists try posted those nude pictures published information on the front page of newspapers, so that selling its newspapers effort pornography. Pornography can push a rape or not? Zhang Fang, editor and pornography on the next page? Now journalists who likes brutal murder violent images on the front page Go inside, and turned out articles and images pornography front page. victims of these pornographic images? a woman or a man ... who used to consider the negative impact or ? or were put on the front page editor because he was a man who did not visit the Khmer women? also want those who died also died, but revenue from the sale of newspapers and advertising?

Despite the now defunct newspaper brutal murder on the front page and also by those images in an article on the website of the newspaper that you read some bold thinking not to take those images comes Posted digit Facebook account to its other friends to see not only some are also distributed to other digits buddy's account too. Apart from that there are also pictures of the player Facebook has a low cultural level comes from the publisher's website message hosting and sharing information to a friend who is a member, for example, as some dead anaoch image hosting some adapter because victims of rape are also some picture of a woman in childbirth all seen some pictures deaths due to suicide themselves, others also showed from the accident with pools of blood ...

Recently saw a horrific murder and robbery were beheaded crude posted impressive website abhorrence and Facebook players sometimes try to continue posting images digit cursing them in their accounts and to alone.

Are those murderers learn through images posted on the website and Facebook? Although not yet have any specific research about this issue, we must all do to make society safer? like posting images of murder and bluntly Khmer society can not accept That should stop all such acts.

Although the post in Facebook's rights as an individual, but it can affect both Self and Social Security.

In other words, the horrific images like that, not just the consequences for society is doing to affect tourism strong and investors who do not demonstrate the safety of their making further impact the nation.

However, there are some solutions that can be done in Facebook or any word you are not satisfied: - must be able to write to those who posted these images of violence to avoid delivery digits in their accounts to withdraw those words (Remove).

- Removal digits your account name sent out by (Unfriend).

- Closed all posts by (Privacy setting).

Finally, the students and the students should spend efforts to study or find a good job done gradually better and If you want to play Facebook should play occasionally. Unemployment ran to you if you do not find a job!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Cambodia is a safe place pedophile?

Boys and girls, and some Khmer women today have lost the value and dignity because ever suffered and Facing such a big problem today, such as domestic violence, rape and sex trafficking while others were 3 to 4 links dismal. Children not only become the target of rape Children (Pedophiles), mainly through tourism and investment in the country.

Does this come from the Khmer too lax legal or just want your money and business visitors There is an awful lot of brands? You Leap shrine from those luxury off the poor, the same Khmer such as villas, condos luxury cars and other equipment while others gave gifts fool myself am a very generous.

Khmer Currently foreign investors only need a valid license is not waiting hundreds of years ago, these investors ever complain but if investors skydivers or cutting sword hose is a single license faster and is no respecter of any kind. Khmer tune case that investors mafia when police caught one, sometimes counting Hundreds of people also have some gambling at the casino all the money gone left buttocks pants brauch run home .

Most workers at a Khmer woman did not pay, and some criminals to police their own country According to prosecute domestic business investment Khmer is not only asylum Khmer even rape boys and girls more Khmer.

Practical example: the recent royal pardon for former criminals Alexandria de Trofimov who rape children at least 21 people and At this time, these children are facing HIV make civil society concerned about the safety of victims and families The victim also asked the interior ministry to withdraw the visa and expelled from Cambodia as well. Through a spokesman King's cabinet, said that this proposal is the government's amnesty, government spokesman says that is made for the benefit of national ethnic Russian billionaire has invested snake island of Sihanoukville voucher at only $ 300 million. So far, Alex Sanders Trofimov lost track and do not know where reality sure.

What matters is that the Russians also were Russian police and Interpol international police Paul (Interpol police) looking arrested as well, and at the Russian embassy had also asked the government to send Alexandria de Trofimov To be convicted of violating a number of Russian children. Cambodia did not give defendants Alexandria de Trofimov, Russia.

The question is: How can surrender Alexandria de Trofimov to Russia or not? If Russia canceled a debt of nearly 1,500 million owed from the Soviet Union era 80s helped? This possibility can If comparison at the end of 2009, the same time that China has cut $ 2 billion aid While Cambodia immediately sent refugees ethnic Uygur 20 that Chinese authorities are seeking the arrest Cambodian authorities and immigration laws passed since 1994, apply. Or from China currently has more intimacy with Russia, which has been taken away.

Does the release of child rape can make such a negative impact to the government's efforts to restrain prevent rape and sex trafficking, the United States government has watched list (Watching list) human trafficking in Cambodia No. 2? How does the release of the Russian billionaire to affect travel law enforcement in the country? According to Article 5, paragraph 2, of the rape of the law on aggravating circumstances of the crime, which passed In 2001, states that: '... For minor children under the age of 14 years, although there agree or disagree Child sex from you committed the crime, was sentenced to imprisonment from 15 to 20 years ... . Why are the Russians, who have been sentenced to 8 years in prison and more than 4 release If violations of Cambodian girls up to 21 people? But more than 20 years in prison only.

Constitutional law King he had the right to pardon and on behalf of the government, the guardians of the people and You take care of the welfare of children should not royal or proposed amnesty for foreigners who come to this kind of abuse of children . The Cambodian government should find a solution for investors and tourists who come to have sex with children and women to welfare and dignity of the people and their future. Especially Mrs. Bun Rany Hun Sen, who used to help promote women and children and for intervention against rape and sex trafficking.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Please stop polluting young hopefuls with beer!

Mok Tver Ey Ber Mok Min Phoek ! 'This is a song of Karana Pich from singing of the Sunday Production 2 weeks ago on television CTN (CTN), and he continued in that song: ... If you don't drink we are not friend ... and he also sent his father at home, and parents all of you who are watching on television at home. The author clearly shows that Youth is currently being weighed down and forced to drink beer and wine, and through this also is encouraging Youth drinking.

What the government should do major youth problem is not yet pleasantly drink? What and how does it affect to the family and the nation, if not bright eyes from the night went to gather to drink?

Today the youth is polluted unbanked since the youth learn smoldering force training and ideological a member of the political party a few phone calls relatively cheaper some television advertising from where tea beer gardens Haran karaoke club, wine, beer and entertainment of all kinds, which are exhibited to sell advertising to their target group is Most young people who these youth groups that can afford to buy their products, for youth aged 15 to 34 active and accounted for more than 36.7 percent of the total population of nearly 13.4 million people. (census 2008), now just a little bit off because cigarette advertisements and promotions at the beginning of last month the Ministry of Information closed advertising award. Why not shut down simultaneously with live music and encourage young people to drink to ? Who make a serious impact for youth, both short-term and long-term.

The short-term impact: Apparently almost every month at the Independence Monument repair is from you Bull before the next repair City Hall efforts to clean the bottom to get invited international guests visit and high-ranking delegation of the ASEAN meeting, and not only the Independence Monument, where history is near Mr. Prime Minister. Talk about the collision hit a rock embankment there are still up the stairs to the hit longer respects . police guard there how? How do the authorities take action as pope the driver did not know where it's Independence Monument? Or remember the time those drivers ultra steering to tap home the prime minister had fled to intervene? To neutralize wine should install aggravating and property damage compensation to 10 times on the chest hit the Independence Monument Street lighthouse or if a new draft traffic law is amended dare penalty multiplied by 5 times more than fine Act before you did not wear helmets?

According to a report from news hit at night, and most are young that they follow separate routes drunken night oriental eyes no longer know anything. Or they want to try their hands martial heads around the Independence Monument chic? Not only chest Independence Monument, separated 2 and also was hit by worn almost anywhere Some places make the car overturned same is also happening at night and you come out of pure alcohol youth and women.. According to the department order of the National Police Commissioner, said the past 11 months of 2011, 11 percent of 5096 accident was driving drunk. Even Prime Minister Hun Sen also said concerns about young people drinking too: '... drunken nephew and niece it already too drunk every day .... Through research on the Khmer people about alcohol, showed that 52 percent of the population 14 00 youth from 18 to 25 years old, likes to drink and the other 14 per cent young people just 14 years old

Apart from the accident also have an impact on causing violence is still drinking, dancing west of the fighting deforestation ceasefire Prang, including law enforcement officials gangster and some not bring to conviction. Who know how to drink from time to time, make fun and memories of youth has dropped. In other words, they also face AIDS as well if they are to have sex outside the home after being intoxicated.

Long-term impact: Today we see a large number of old who likes fun drinking alcohol overdose last He was a young cast is frailty round frail direction as well as cirrhosis intestinal stomach diabetes heart attacks, high blood pressure and Alzheimer AIDS..

These are the consequences of not only suffering to themselves, but to their families and society. The question whether to trust to the hopefuls for the nation how rotten grapes from small and That? In 2015, ASEAN will form into a community like the European Union and ASEAN, which includes cultural education ... trading business, which may change, and can also have the right to work in any country . How does the government hope that many young Cambodians who may have the potential to compete in the labor market with ASEAN members ? One day, these young men and women were poisoned wine and fun place and direction on the TV screen Post were weighed down frantically on young singing, dancing exam catwalk beauties and foreign film So tune?

Why does everyone want to HE?

Everyone also want to be Lokthom just what want to do that at any level only. For example: the presidency, Prime Minister, Minister of the Ministry of provincial governor, .. for the Khmer Is there a benefit to the greatest lead role that much? and some place they sit and do not want to step down in trench although aware that the age of retirement?

Culture wants to be a great power in Khmer is how to respect and carry status and since the role until noodles or karaoke massage is different from Western culture their habits at work, but once it is out of the office is usually equal.

How long will the great Khmer able to do so?

Khmer bit difficult initially to find the votes before the election is based AM These days at the end of the week, and sometimes took days to work to strengthen the party base sometimes cheats jobs to the state based gift pot to serve the party. Only when the respective roles and powers is policy and policy is exploitation of people a day to sleep meditating and looking to remain moderate as a development area and want people crying and crying to ground You are not, and do not even dare to touch it, and they want to do is power and profit that way. The question whether the land to be a major development areas as citizens poor little ones ? And have you grabbing more little ones.

Not only major Khmer privileges do not want to. For example: the use of gasoline Sokimex open to hundreds of used cars for gasoline These personal car to take the family or trekking to see more land and Bonjour gasoline piled like mountains . Due to the use of gasoline such waste is missing three empty prison and the detainees to the floor at the foot Wild 'courts. Talk about the cost of water and electricity, use some of the largest free-fire roasted 2 to 3, and bills to think where . The cable you collect money, said their boss told not to collect money at home or the house for the big house. A large number of big and its ordinary citizens If not to pay water and electricity to the place in due course, but is exclusive or fines.

In other words, in contemporary society, popular lawmaker families who have a family member as a teacher is able to feed a home. Now his wife complained, and because of the low salaries are the opposite of those big, not only to support a home, but also bring in family members to work with and have a more major role in the cabinet and the University's Department or City Hall, a meeting weighed before going to private or run because the minister is not to break things at once. For example: Hor Namhong 2 children Ambassador England and Japan and the other in a single meeting place weight. Prasidh as deputy director general of the General Department of Camcontrol and the other at the meeting place weight. Kep Illinois Governor did not take anything I take my children near . At least one child at the weight of gravity. These are popular and great grandchildren.

Doing so big you know all you want to do in this institution.

For towed family members do have a major role in the past in such ministries, Prime Minister Hun Sen had warned once already this popular family from the Ministry of only a few months later, turning a quiet calm, no measures . In addition, some lawmakers are preparing or making capital lock up power to protect and defend you. For example: the code of criminal law to punish defamation information and inciting false and written about leadership mandate as prime minister and Gen confused stories judicial legal battle with you is ready to sleep from malaria and to just lose less or more only. Do not play with enough cash Profiles contact.

Apparently the former powerful guilty and was called to court questioned a large number of those wearing wear ordinary civilian is in contrast to the typical offender whose clothing uniforms, detainees Mozambique stripes. But Living in prison also placed elsewhere, especially where clean bottom of gourmet food as well as a gym is wrong the usual stuff piled in 1 room. For example: Heng Pov prisoners and prisoners Moek Dara.

If there is an accident or major big baby has yet to be legal fellow telephone call, including the armed forces also a car with a small threat defense with big or this big family more. Just heard this perfectly traffic police officers working female shaking away and uncomfortable it was mouth . Just show your negative activities such short. Khmer culture like this will change?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cambodian culture in society more current decline due to lack of film and theater?

Occasional sound public debate on the sidewalk in front of the parking logging Capitol between the motorcycle driver and passengers because the passengers not only be a place as agreed Of course you want to travel to the former theater Capitol logging mechanism not want to cut the car parking Capitol near Orrusey Market. The motorcycle driver told Now no longer occupy Capitol Cinemas and a noodle shop and a place to play snooker in. Why the former factory Some movies become so become a massage karaoke disco club restaurant Karachi gasoline?

In 1971 city population of about 1 million 2 thousand and cinema traveled to more than 30 theaters at why people like Kon Khmer popular despite the deception bombs in cinemas , but still went into landslide. (Chou Davy film producer, 2011)

Now Phnom Penh residents to more than 1 million 5 hundred thousand movie theaters there are only 3 or 4 trip Khmer film premiere in television. Is this war? Why are many cinemas have been repaired and re-process large number in the 80s, and to see the talents of people? Why not continue what existing ?

In the early 80s do not have the film again, and began to look like torn beyond line despite though some lost wallets, watches, earrings or necklaces when pressed to buy tickets. That film Famous Russian and some 82 votes to 2 times, and film Vietnam has not yet cleared farmland. So far the last 80 starts Kon Khmer people like to see. Is this the last time people do not have TV? But far from television almost every home is no longer busy people remember going to movie theaters since the last 90 years, or currently do not have a good story? or lack of professional art too?

For theater and film in the district are still popular despite the progress, the and a large number of multi-million dollar profits. Khmer film is no different from you like watching football and kickboxing martial Ancient Khmer although live TV, is also willing to buy tickets to see the performance flu, because it feels different. And so not from a TV in almost every house, is due to pirated works of the author, a thief after the 2nd National corrupt thieves steal and no less than those who steal intellectual property rights.

Just recently screened in movie theaters have not been pleasantly film also sold in the market popping up. Some also do things like that just writers. People who like to steal ideas and works of the author's own intellectual property is probably the last they never learn to think of piracy when each exam in school and A large number of universities today, so when they do business or livelihood is their Copy only works no initiative to do something as personal accomplishments steal it ever thus !. Although intellectual property rights legislation enacted since 2009, but lax enforcement yet.

Another problem is the film that involves politics is turned off not to be screened. is not unusual in any film that reflects the society it is always a little political impact, and some authors Alma premiere remember him outside the district let the movie, as well. At some film shooting And just outside the district because local could not be screened.

Negative activities and make these film producers and cinema losses early losses to end Chapi These stalls are all there. Today, only Khmer film on television, which seems to be copied and emulated Like the film dont neighbors and there is nothing strange love beyond western IT revolve around a villa is finished.

Not lack famous movie producer whose professional lives as Taliban Bun Yim Yu Sreang Taliban and Vong Hem. He is still capable of producing films and teaching dont. Circumstances Today Can not they produce. Negative results author Khmer dwarf shrink split wide to find something new and called: 'Cultural nip recovery pinch Khmer do not know any month Which is a good film and theater, as in society.

The consequences of the lack of movie theaters and film Khmer making a serious impact on the sector Arts Culture Khmer civilization, we do not know what that boast new show their identity when attended film festival competition on the international stage again. Some of our stories our neighbors Thailand to re-performing foreign makes many believe Thai culture.

Example: Her strength Sen Rei Although Khmer citizens to tell foreigners that this is a legend of the Khmer Khmer Rei mountain. But he said no foreign film Khmer drama, theater and television perfectly. Not only cinema Thai kickboxing, even Khmer martial art of Khmer, Thai and English International newspapers also wrote: «Thai Kick boxing» Thai kickboxing martial. Until only some bright wiping.

Therefore, the implementation of intellectual property laws is not enough unless there is participation from producers copy stolen masterpieces from the author. The government should re-think the issue of cinema and restrictions and harassment on the author to a national culture off melt.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Burma learn from Cambodia or Cambodia learn from Burma?

Between donors and developing countries are like fish and bait so to throw the bait immediately devour khlu moment sometimes do not know bait, hook, crane took something away without knowing it.

Today there are 2 in the world are China and the United States who want to show the influence and capture the same market trend by providing material assistance and loan funds to developing countries in the world. China The trend is to develop self at US aid always comes with a contract to improve human rights and development techniques. Competitive effects of the 2 countries, and sometimes are seen as China and the US will not !.

Assistance through the 2 giant powers influence on Burma and Cambodia? What impact the trend developing countries, 2?

Recently in Burma has changed remarkably turning political leaders of the regime ever the brutal violation of human rights with China's support, too, even not allow elections foreigners entering the country, and now tend to start moving after Che Zhou by the head of the US government ever over the past 50 years. These activities include: the release of prisoners demonstrations to protest against the government thousands of people from the prison to release Aung San Suu Kyi is free and allows the re-establishment party and Open Hillary Clinton met with its President and Aung San Suu Kyi .. Does this activity started from Burma learn from Khmer?

Despite the good start to learn Khmer Burmese adds another positive point to improve freedom of expression through the media and in parliament, because the Khmer bystanders and You point and create anti-corruption institutions like the Khmer commitment to eliminate corruption Khmer. Why the Khmer seem to learn some of the negative points from Burma?

Myanmar authorities freed prisoners outweighed protest demonstrations Khmer authorities had mistreated some demonstrators Detained protesters land dispute that has been raped? sometimes just to protest National forest remaining as Prey Lang forest to be cut down to prevent flooding west curb storm and curb climate change, capacity auction those tumultuous citizens braphing stampede Some were detained as well. Because those protesters perceive that they live up to the woods and their lives and nation. On the other hand, the government also recognizes that water flooded again citizens have died as a very zealous efforts to help citizens and now struggling to find a strategy to protect and rescue When there are floods. based on the science and geography is flooding caused by forest logging all major non-wood, rubber, cashew, cassava and jatropha, which it attempted ankle wrist will prevent flooding Nor from the laity or big factories, water flooded. This year, rabbit What is so huge water has claimed the lives of up to 250 victims. The government should strive to preserve the remaining forests and tree planting.

Everything seems negative from Burma make some aid was diverted turn to other developing countries. For example: the chronic persecution than 5 years on Lake protest timeless handle donor, and is not, and the World Bank, which is based in New York City suspension of new aid projects. And last week, the World Bank has provided funds to Haiti $ 255 million. This, and the government should rethink about this issue so that people life better and to delete eliminate the gap between rich and poor is too far by taking strategic win-win! Prime Minister Hun Sen. apply.

Counter the trend Myanmar is big aid and investment from China more aggressively within the country notable since the fund roads, bridges for army equipment .... etc. This aid since the establishment of the Khmer Rouge tribunal 2003, especially the last few years. The question That is why China recurrence without conditions as the United State of America? Why China will not help the government since before Khmer Rouge tribunal be set up? What if the verdict Tribunal sentenced leaders over whether China continues to present tremendous assistance as this or not? What distinguishes China's top leaders so industrious? comes from knowing where and diligence play? The Chinese leaders often play up top leaders of Vietnam khlae recess of thousands of years old Jealousy is also frequently played the same as the 2 countries are tense Spratly Islands Shell and Paralympics.

If the Burmese regime change to a free market, as learned from the Khmer existing human resources, and 5 years later whether Burma could develop faster than the Khmer anyway?

Saturday, September 5, 2015

How do people live in society today is full of fear?

SongkomReaseNiyum was considered that people do not suffer much and try to make another pot through towel sarong. .. to citizens through the countryside. Just the regime is still Se Kingdom thread there is always popular for live regime to the existing set from birth and restrictions of expression and media who oppose the regime leader. (I'm guilty? 1962)

When the deposed monarchy group Republic, led by Marshall Lon Nol, claims to want to change feudal regime oppressed the people. Since the coup Khmer people living in the nervous fear of bombings by the American raid demonstrations and young soldiers.

Khmer Rouge soldiers were trained ideology against imperial America. They empower citizens have fears raw fear of killings like animals. When liberated from the Khmer Rouge regime to public The Cambodian People's Republic of hope that people no longer die, and built a new life. people sleep from fear Khmer Rouge rebel landmine soldiers and conscripts'. These fears sleep each day do not know on themselves or family members.

Elections 1993 UNTAC was completed and rest. Where do not like to think is to create minimum intervention on the other side of the Mekong River, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng province makes citizens . On 5-6 July 1997 fighting, which some called a 'coup in Phnom Penh packaging bags, but do not know how to run. Some are all car and motorcycle sales from warehouse was exhumed Shipping gone home while others deserted factories both bride and groom. The leaders of the 4th Assembly mandate besides fear from lack of food, bio mines and traffic AIDS mainly people nervous to go on?

1) fear losing land forest land: crying lawmaker protests demanding back their homes and land to be raped every side. Some were mistreated by authorities harassed almost every day Some are also willing to commit suicide rather than live because living without shelter because they had taken place. All politicians All words: patriotism and help people living people hungry died to votes from the poor people very little, but instead to power each day lying just to harm people under the label: Development Zone made people a lot of tears. Such development is helping people or making poor people poorer Woe to you? If people sleep do not know any home and its land .

2) fear of social insecurity: the daily local newspaper some murders happen every day Zhang and editor-in-chief without code of professional shaman justice no news to their newspapers were still selling showy efforts and competition brutal murder on the front page, despite criticism from readers again and again to put on the inside back page. To avoid malicious image on the front page abhorrence and make readers imagine next to the frightened eyes almost every day. these savages, also appears to be increasing criminal activities such as criminals to those images so and any show of insecurity in society every day people die because of this murder. Hao such today that live alone sleep, thought to wish to shine because fear fear is okay and no one to help immediately.

Sometimes only see the car number plates Police Forces or ordinary citizens were able to escape to avoid for fear of discomfort They ordered the bodyguards grabbed collar travelers hit the road. Although currently not dare dance dance ensembles at festivals and village ceremony feared gangster and cutting crude because they have a program that is causing social insecurity. Women and girls not afraid to walk alone or 2 people feared Tamil rape . Hard to trust another thing that was vile father dared along with daughter uncomfortable father raped daughter perfectly. do not know how to rape a child myself am not infected with HIV?

3) fear against corruption is not effective: the question of crowds sometimes wonder whether, if not corruption, why top officials from the head office to any money from base Gift strengthen party almost every weekend? Speaking of real wages, there are only 1 million riel or 2 million just fuel vehicles daily meals to feed a wife or husband, children almost do not want some concubine or to feed young girls! royal officials very little sleep worrying not know when their salaries were installed but do not know the actions of anti-corruption to the extent ?

4) fear unemployment and fear not noticeable install untouchable: young people who graduate Some undergraduate degree and MBA sleep do not know the job skills learned or not each year students from the university hundreds of thousands of jobs. The role Royal officials sometimes called key to drink and sing karaoke night he got to Delhi his wife and children at home and not to call for fear of not being unworthy. at the work place the state gradually take some stairs and dare not afraid of mouth, allegedly a member of the opposition Even reading the newspaper Post standard impartial also read how to hide your fear not perfectly.

The criticism against a new trade regime that is similar to the previous regime, it is normal For you always want power have criticized anti-government leaders. But opposition politicians have always claimed to be clean but tricky clean, but a small number procession to gambling at the casino do not know the money come from? and not to build a casino near National Assembly. And do not know how involved in taking bribes from Duke, or to silence in parliament no longer okay to mouth at each meeting? There are only 3 or 4 people oftentimes lonely endeavor, besides Cross penetrate. And some in the party wanted its publication in two. Some opposition arrogant words larger than its especially those who are most satisfied group of civil society organizations who have ever worked with.

Overall, the fear of a large number of people with his life until a regime of today. These fears a factor expected rise of the Khmer people only 61 years old most short in Southeast Asia compared with Thailand old can expect to live their lives to 70

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Suicide rather than live in social injustice?

Death by suicide is subject to the will of the individual to the cultural beliefs and what causes a person's country different. For example, in Japan suicide almost become a culture to each exam and when parents do not dare to away from children, because worried son committed suicide when their exam or losing points And last year, former Finance Minister 1 committed suicide by jumping from the building . (Reuters) proved willing to die rather than live without honor or in connection with corruption. How is culture since the Japanese ancestral sword cutting Mora began to fight losers are always committed suicide himself. Speaking of the era of World War 2, the Japanese pilots battle daring suicide by Roman hit syringe tube US 7th ships.

The war in Iraq for nearly 10 years, the suicide bombings occur almost every day by holders Religious fanatics to territorial integrity against US troops on Iraqi soil. Apart from this, there are also self-immolation suicide ethnic Tibetan and Uygur due to mistreatment by Chinese authorities . Similarly, Khmer Kampuchea Krom burning suicide due to demand territorial integrity and the right to freedom because of persecution from the Vietnamese authorities.

Khmer start suicide because of infighting from the government through the local authority by the evictions land and lost their homes as well? Example: Lake Village in April, committed suicide last week, there are also women villagers who committed suicide by jumping to his death from the bridge Chroy was claimed that due all hope that his house will be evicted soon. Other family attempted suicide a single family due to the violation of land. Why has the government refused to address land issues Phrao completed before the election as usual ? And what pre-election promises not hurt civic land lake forest land ....

That's okay dont have many critics say that the last days of a bland man nicknamed sale Garden gasoline to the region's development Mr. Jong national lawmaker in the city, especially Kak villagers shouted and wept almost deterioration tears and nervous, afraid to sleep knowing that any day they drove and bulldozers demolished the house and did not know to live at home today mlu. Some residents in time for New Year gift and laity each phchor not dare to play because they feared dredging buried immersion house or clearing house destroyed land grabbing to go home nearby monastery there and turns Try to remember. Harassment plagued the company and the authorities on these villages takes place almost every day around 5 years and make some of them think that will do short suicide rather than live without pain have the right to decent shelter, the basic rights of humanity.

O! Blood is the same Khmer why you and you have some nearly 10 condominium villas 5-6 or more, and there are thousands of hectares of land and some just flat land in a bigger stadium Hebrews mnh football league in England, while some of the Khmer Rouge Sen. Port rice and some homes and raped away. Where is social justice for the Khmer society now?

Why has the government authorities exploring the encroached land housing Khmer yourself like this? Outstanding immigrants living abroad, a large number of Khmer legal and illegal on land on the water now in the wild do not miss to find? do not dare to touch them, What is the secret behind? Khmer immigration laws, why not dare to apply the law? Enforcement or political purposes only? Or apply only antit Thai Yellow Shirt leader, only 2 people in the jungle? If land law land for foreigners are buying homes from the 1st floor, but there are some foreigners buying and and free water on a boat without a layout he had never seen the authorities to headache, dizziness with them.

Can say that this seed and seed Khmer warrior with soft lawmaker Decline with shrinking foreign do not dare?

Each tried to thank liberated from a regime with only hope to live to see another regime hard enough profiles of different difficulties are only more than 40 years. If water crocodiles up to see a wild tiger thorns into markets such police when people Khmer a comfortable living from one regime to the regime but a large number of people still miserable, still screaming crying? That is why the death by suicide is not always caused by self but also the environment outside force.